ps 를 위한 수학
Pick's theoremps 를 위한 수학 2023. 2. 2. 11:59
Pick's theorem - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Formula for area of a grid polygon Farey sunburst of order 6, with 1 interior (red) and 96 boundary (green) points giving an area of 1 + 96/2 − 1 = 48[1] In geometry, Pick's theorem provides a formula for the area of Area = interior_point + boundary_point/2 + 1 기억 안나면 가장 기본적인 삼각형 생각하셈
Permutation's parityps 를 위한 수학 2022. 7. 8. 14:26
Alternative proof that the parity of permutation is well defined? I learned the following theorem about the properties of permutation from Gallian's Contemporary Abstract Algebra. Theorem 5.4 Always Even or Always Odd If a permutation α can be Parity 는 어떻게 구함? Odd/Even Permutations How do you classify a permutation as odd or even (composition of an odd or even ..